Support > API Guide
API Functions
API Functions

Below is a list of API functions available for use.

# Item Function id Description Parameters Examples
1 fnIf Function Type: Conditional Value1, Condition, Value2, True, False Example of fnIf
2 fnIsNull Function Type: Conditional Value1, True, False Example of fnIsNull
3 fnAddDays Function Type: Date Calcs DateTime, Days Example of fnAddDays
4 fnAddMonths Function Type: Date Calcs DateTime, Months Example of fnAddMonths
5 fnDaysBetween Function Type: Date Calcs DateTime, DateTime Example of fnDaysBetween
6 fnSubtractDays Function Type: Date Calcs DateTime, Days Example of fnSubtractDays
7 fnSubtractMonths Function Type: Number Calcs DateTime, Months Example of fnSubtractMonths
8 fnAbs Function Type: Number Calcs Value Example of fnAbs
9 fnAdd Function Type: Number Calcs Value, Value Example of fnAdd
10 fnCumulative Function Type: Number Calcs Value Example of fnCumulative
11 fnDivide Function Type: Number Calcs Value, Divisor Example of fnDivide
12 fnMax Function Type: Number Calcs Value Example of fnMax
13 fnMin Function Type: Number Calcs Value Example of fnMin
14 fnMultiply Function Type: Number Calcs Value1, Value2 Example of fnMultiply
15 fnSubtract Function Type: Number Calcs Value1, Value2 Example of fnSubtract
16 fnSum Function Type: Number Calcs Value1, Value2 Example of fnSum
17 fnComma Function Type: Others Example of fnComma
18 fnConcat2Strings Function Type: Others String1, String2 Example of fnConcat2Strings
19 fnEqualsSign Function Type: Others Example of fnEqualsSign
20 fnFalse Function Type: Others Example of fnFalse
21 fnFormatDateWithMask Function Type: Others Date, Format Mask Example of fnFormatDateWithMask
22 fnFormatNumberAsWords Function Type: Others Number Example of fnFormatNumberAsWords
23 fnFormatNumberWithMask Function Type: Others Number, Format Mask Example of fnFormatNumberWithMask
24 fnFormatRawNumber Function Type: Others Number Example of fnFormatRawNumber
25 fnFormatShortDate Function Type: Others Date Example of fnFormatShortDate
26 fnFormatYearAndMonth Function Type: Others Date Example of fnFormatYearAndMonth
27 fnFormatYearAndMonthName Function Type: Others Date Example of fnFormatYearAndMonthName
28 fnNull Function Type: Others Example of fnNull
29 fnReplace Function Type: Others String value, Search string, Replace string Example of fnReplace
30 fnSpace Function Type: Others Number of space Example of fnSpace
31 fnStaticText Function Type: Others Example of fnStaticText
32 fnString Function Type: Others Non-String Value Example of fnString
33 fnStringLength Function Type: Others String Example of fnStringLength
34 fnSubstring Function Type: Others String value, Starting index (from 1), Length Example of fnSubstring
35 fnTrue Function Type: Others Example of fnTrue
36 fnUTCDate Function Type: Others Example of fnUTCDate
37 fnUTCDateTime Function Type: Others Example of fnUTCDateTime
38 fnLookupItemValue Function Type: Lookups. Use as Sideway lookup Dataobject id, Lookup Item id, Key Item Value Example of fnLookupItemValue
39 fnLookupItemValue2Params Function Type: Lookups. Use as Sideway lookup Dataobject id, Lookup Item id, Search Item id1, Search Item id2, Search Item Value1, Search Item Value2 Example of fnLookupItemValue2Params
40 fnLookupItemValue3Params Function Type: Lookups. Use as Sideway lookup Dataobject id, Lookup Item id, Search Item id1, Search Item id2, Search Item id3, Search Item Value1, Search Item Value2, Search Item Value3 Example of fnLookupItemValue3Params
Example of fnIf (Top)

Parameters: fnIf(i:itemref, condition, i:itemref, True: as fixed value or i:itemref, False: as fixed value or i:itemref)

Example of returning fix value, if buysellcode equal B, True: set value to Buy, False: set value to Sell.


Example of returning itemref, if buysellcode equal S, True: set value to Settlementvalue, False: set value to Settlementvalue*-1.


Example of condition is true, if actualbillofladingdateind equal true, True: set value to billofladingdate, False: set value to null.


*For False,use fnFalse()*

Available Conditions for use below:

Param Description
.cn. Contains
.nc. Not Contains
.eq. Equal
.ne. Not Equal To
.in. In
.ni. Not In
.lt. Less Than
.gt. Greater Than
.ge. Greater Than or Equal To
.le. Less Than or Equal To

Example of fnIsNull (Top)

Parameters: fnIsNull(i:itemref, True: as fixed value or i:itemref, False: as fixed value or i:itemref)

Example, if settlementitem settlementvalue is null, Null: set value to settlementvalue, Not Null: set value to 0.


Example of fnAddDays (Top)

Parameters: fnAddDays(i:itemref, Number of Days)
Return: Datetime or Date

Example, adding 2 days to transactionstartdatetime.


Example of fnAddMonths (Top)

Parameters: fnAddMonths(i:itemref, Number of Months)
Return: Datetime or Date

Example, adding 2 months to transactionstartdatetime.


Example of fnDaysBetween (Top)

Parameters: fnDaysBetween(i:itemref, i:itemref)
Return: Number

Example, finding number of days between transactionstartdatetime and transactionstartdatetime.


Example of fnSubtractDays (Top)

Parameters: fnSubtractDays(i:itemref, Number of Days)
Return: Datetime or Date

Example, Subtracting 3 days from transactionstartdatetime.


Example of fnSubtractMonths (Top)

Parameters: fnSubtractMonths(i:itemref, Number of Months)
Return: Datetime or Date

Example, subtracting 3 months from transactionstartdatetime.


Example of fnAbs (Top)

Parameters: fnAbs(i:itemref)
Return: Number

Example, returning absolute number for settledvalue.


Example of fnCumulative (Top)

Parameters: fnCumulative(i:itemref)
Return: Number

Example, returning cumulative total of totalchangevalue.


Example of fnDivide (Top)

Parameters: fnDivide(i:itemref, fixed value or i:itemref)
Return: Number

Example, finding no of demurrage days by dividing settlementvalue by demurragedailyrate.


Example of fnMax (Top)

Parameters: fnMax(i:itemref)
Return: Date or Number

Example, returning the maximum of transactionstartdatetime.


Example of fnMin (Top)

Parameters: fnMin(i:itemref)
Return: Date or Number

Example, returning the minimum of transactionstartdatetime.


Example of fnMultiply (Top)

Parameters: fnMultiply(i:itemref, fixed value or i:itemref)
Return: Number

Example, finding total amount by multiplying effectiveamount with transactionquantity.


Example of fnSubtract (Top)

Parameters: fnSubtract(i:itemref, fixed value or i:itemref)
Return: Number

Example, finding the floating price of derivative by subtracting pricingfixedprice with effectiveprice.


Example of fnSum (Top)

Parameters: fnSum(i:itemref, fixed value or i:itemref)
Return: Number

Example, summing all the contractitemquantity.


Example of fnComma (Top)

Parameters: fnComma()
Return: ,

Example, returning a string using "incotermscode,locationname". Example: FOB,Singapore


Example of fnConcat2Strings (Top)

Parameters: fnConcat2Strings(i:itemref, fixed value or i:itemref)
Return: String

Example, returning a string using caclcassignedpct and %.


*There are functions to concatenate up to 10 strings. Example are : fnConcat2Strings, fnConcat3Strings...fnConcat10Strings.*

Example of fnEqualsSign (Top)

Parameters: fnEqualsSign()
Return: =

Example, returning a string using "incotermscode=locationname". Example: FOB=Singapore.


Example of fnFalse (Top)

Parameters: fnFalse()

Example of condition is false, if actualbillofladingdateind equal false, True: set value to null, False: set value to billofladingdate.


Example of fnFormatDateWithMask (Top)

Parameters: fnFormatDateWithMask(i:itemref as Datetime, Format Mask)
Return: Formatted Date

Example returning today datetime in MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt. Example: 2023-01-16 00:00:00Z


The available Date Format Mask can be found here

Example of fnFormatNumberAsWords (Top)

Parameters: fnFormatNumberAsWords(i:itemref, fixed value or i:itemref)
Return: String

Example, returning settledvalue in words in US dollars.
Example: settledvalue=10,000, Return: USD Ten Thousand Dollars Only.


Example of fnFormatNumberWithMask (Top)

Parameters: fnFormatNumberWithMask(i:itemref as Number, Format Mask)
Return: Formatted Number

Example returning contractitemquantity in N2 format.
Example: contractitemquantity=10,000 ; Return:10,000.00.


The available Number Format Mask can be found here

Example of fnFormatRawNumber (Top)

Parameters: fnFormatRawNumber(i:itemref)
Return: Number

Example, returning settlementvalue without thousand separator.
Example: settledvalue=1,014,840.3 ; Return:1014840.3.


Example of fnFormatShortDate (Top)

Parameters: fnFormatShortDate(i:itemref)
Return: Date

Example, returning startdatetime in dd/MM/yyyy format.
Example: startdatetime=2022-11-01T00:00Z ; Return:01/11/2022.


Example of fnFormatYearAndMonth (Top)

Parameters: fnFormatYearAndMonth(i:itemref)
Return: Date

Example, returning actualdatetime in yyyy-MM format.
Example: actualdatetime=2022-11-01T00:00Z ; Return:2022-11.


Example of fnFormatYearAndMonthName (Top)

Parameters: fnFormatYearAndMonthName(i:itemref)
Return: String

Example, returning actualdatetime in yyyyMM format.
Example: actualdatetime=2022-11-01T00:00Z ; Return: 2022Nov.


Example of fnNull (Top)

Parameters: fnNull()

Example, returning blank(Null) value.


Example of fnReplace (Top)

Parameters: fnReplace(i:itemref,String to replace, Replace String)
Return: String

Example, returning settlementdate in string as yyyyMMdd replacing - with blank.
Example: settlementdate=2022-08-16 ; Return: 20220816.


Example of fnSpace (Top)

Parameters: fnSpace(Number of Space)
Return: Number of space

Example, returning a concatenation of incotermscode with 2 space and locationname.


Example of fnStaticText (Top)

Parameters: fnStaticText(Text)
Return: Text Value

Example, returning static text value "Order".


Example of fnString (Top)

Parameters: fnString(Value)
Return: String

Example, returning a concatenation of startdatetime(cast to String) and enddatetime(cast to String) with - inbetween.

fnConcat3Strings(fnString(fnFormatShortDate(i:startdatetime)), - ,fnString(fnFormatShortDate(i:enddatetime))))

Example of fnStringLength (Top)

Parameters: fnStringLength(i:itemref)
Return: Number

Example, returning the length of contractreference.
Example: contractreference=test100 ; Return: 7.


Example of fnSubstring (Top)

Parameters: fnSubstring(i:itemref, Start index (from 1), length)
Return: String

Example, returning first 4 string of contractreference.
Example: contractreference=test100 ; Return: test.


Example of fnTrue (Top)

Parameters: fnTrue()

Example of condition is true, if actualbillofladingdateind equal true, True: set value to billofladingdate, False: set value to null.


Example of fnUTCDate (Top)

Parameters: fnUTCDate()
Return: Current Date

Example, returning current date in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Example: Return: 2023-01-13.


Example of fnUTCDateTime (Top)

Parameters: fnUTCDateTime()
Return: Current Datetime

Example, returning current datetime in yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.000z format.
Example: Return: 2023-01-13T06:32:18.000Z.


Example of fnLookupItemValue (Top)

Parameters: fnLookupItemValue(Dataobject id, Lookup Item id, i:itemref)
Return: Value

Example, returning the containername.


*When using fnLookupItemValue, i:itemref needs to be the primary key of the object itself.*

Example of fnLookupItemValue2Params (Top)

Parameters: fnLookupItemValue2Params(Dataobject id, Search Item id1, Search Item id2, i:itemref1 or fixed value1, i:itemref2 or fixed value2)
Return: Value

Example, returning the actualreference using transactionseqnum and invoicequantityind is true.


Example of fnLookupItemValue3Params (Top)

Parameters: fnLookupItemValue3Params(Dataobject id, Search Item id1, Search Item id2, Search Item id3, i:itemref1 or fixed value1, i:itemref2 or fixed value2, i:itemref3 or fixed value3)
Return: Value

Example, returning the netactualquantity2 using transactionseqnum and invoicequantityind is true and unitcode is MT.


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