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Price Data : Prices

To add a new price go to Price Data and then to the Prices tab.

In CoreTRM, spot, forward and futures prices can be added to the system. The prices that are added will be used mainly for valuation and settlement purposes. In order to add new prices to the system, you will need to create a new Price Series first.

Adding spot prices

Price Data Spot Prices

To add a Spot Price:

  1. Click on New Button to create a new line.
  2. In Price Series, select the spot price series for which price is asssociated with.
  3. In Period, this is used for forward and futures prices only. It is not required for spot prices.
  4. In Price Date, select the date for which the spot price is associated with.
  5. In Amount, enter the amount for which the spot prices is associated with.
  6. Click Save Button to confirm creation.
  7. To edit price details after creation, Click Edit Button to edit.
Adding Forward or Future prices

Price Data Forward Prices

To add a Forward Price:

  1. Click on New Button to create a new line.
  2. In Price Series, select the foward price series for which price is asssociated with.
  3. In Period, select the period for which the forward prices is associated with.
  4. In Price Date, select the date for which the forward price is associated with.
  5. In Amount, enter the amount for which the forwarwd prices is associated with.
  6. Click Save Button to confirm creation.
  7. To edit price details after creation, Click Edit Button to edit.

*To add a new Futures price, follow the same steps as adding a new forward price.*

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