In CoreTRM, end of day valuation can be run in order to generate closing Profit and Loss and Daily Exposure. In addition, Intra-day valuation can also be run to generate real time Profit and Loss and Exposure for viewing.
End of Day Valuation should be run right after all the End of Day prices are imported into system. With this, the valuation will be using the imported the latest prices from the system.
To run valuation, go to Risk Management and then to the RM Dashboard -> Valuation tab.
The system uses an open valuation date concept that allow user to run intra day valuation or preview the close of day before running the End of Day valuation.
In the Valuation view/grid, it display a list of valuation dates that were generated in the system. The last valuation date that is display in the view mean that this is the current open date of the system. Last close day of the system is the day before the current open date.
In the picture above, 16/11/2022 is the current open date of the system. 15/11/2022 is the last close day in the system.
There are 3 ways to run valuation in the system.
Click on to re value the current Position.
This task is use to re-value all the current positions in the system. This task can be run during the day due to price corrections, calendar changes, etc or if you wish to preview the close before running End of Day Valuation.
Click on to close Valuation Date(the current open date) and Open for Today's Date.
This task is use for standard daily valuation run after the latest prices have been loaded into the system.This task will automatically close the current open valuation date and open the next valuation date as Today.
Click on to close Valuation Date(the current open date) and Open for Specific Date (the selected date).
This task is only needed when you have to run two or more valuations after holidays. Use this for the intermediate days.
On the valuation task is triggerd, you will be able to monitor the progress of the valuation in the other view/grid. The valuation typically takes less than 5 mins to complete.
You can monitor the progress of the valuation task by clicking on the task "Apply Latest Prices and Roll Valuation to XXX Date" from the Adhoc Task view/grid. Sometime, this task will not appear immediately after you have click the valuation button. Please click on view/grid refresh button to check again.
From the Task History view/grid, you will be able to see the datetime the task started. Task Status Description will be "In Progress" until it is completed.
From the Task History Steps view/grid, you will be able to see the details of the task that the valuation will perform. When the last step is completed, the Task Status Description will change to "Complete". Once this is complete, you will be able to check the updated valuations.
You can also value just a single contract after a price changed.
To run re-value a single contract, go to Trading and then to the Physical/Paper tab.