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Trading : MTM Groups

When a contract is approved in the system, the system assigned the approved contract into a MTM group.

A MTM group is a placeholder where contracts are kept and valued on a daily basis based on the commodities and price series setup.

The Hierarchy of how contract is kept is: 1) Book 2) Stratey 3) MTM Group.

When a contract is first approved, the contract is assigned to a MTM Group in a "Default" Strategy of the Contract Book.

To view the MTM Group of a contract go to Trading and then to the Physical/Paper -> MTM Group tab.

Viewing MTM Groups

Trading Contract MTM Group Physical

Trading Contract MTM Group Paper

In MTM Group, below are the information provided:

  1. Contract Reference, the contract reference of the contract.
  2. Strategy Book, the book where this contract is kept.
  3. Strategy, the strategy where this contract is kept.
  4. MTM Group, the MTM group where this contract is kept.
  5. For Physical, a new MTM Group is created for every contract approved. The name of the MTM group is the combination of Commodities + Counterparty + start and End Date.

    For Paper, contract are by default place in existing MTM Group(if it already exist. Alternatively, a new MTM Group will be created.). Paper contract are placed in MTM Group of similar properties such as similar commodities, counterparty and pricing period. The name of a swap contract MTM Group is the combination of Commodites + Counterparty + pricing period. The name of a future contract MTM Group is the combination of Commodites + pricing period.

    *It possible to change the Paper contract MTM Group default. It is found in Reference Data -> Commodities. Contact CoreTRM Support before making this changes.*

  6. Quantity, the quantity entered for this contract.
  7. Pricing From, the pricing from date of the contract.
  8. Pricing To, the pricing from date of the contract.
Moving Strategy of MTM Group

Trading Contract MTM Group Move Strategy

To move the Strategy of a MTM Group from contract view:

  1. Select the MTM Group line by clicking the first box.
  2. From the dropdown on top, select the strategy where you wish to move the MTM Group to.
  3. Click on "Move Group(s) to Different Strategy.

*Note that this function is to move MTM Group from one strategy to another. Since a Strategy is inside a Book, it will also move the MTM group to the destination Book/Strategy.*

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