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Operations : Specification Adjustment
Specifications Adjustment

To update Specification, go to Operations and then to the Transactions -> Specifications tab.

Specifications that are entered from trading module can be managed and updated in operations module by operators. In addtion, new specification can also be added in operations.

Add New Specifications
Update Existing Specifications
Add New Specifications

Operations Add New Specifications

  1. Click on New Button to create a new line.
  2. In Specification, select the applicable Specification name.
  3. *Specifications are setup in Reference Data -> Specifications.*

  4. In Lower Include Rule, enter the applicable lower include rule. This is used to set the lower limit of the specification adjustment rule.
  5. In Lower Contractual Value, enter the applicable lower contractual rule. This is used to set the lower limit value of the specification adjustment rule.
  6. In Contractual Value, enter the contract value of the specification.
  7. In Upper Include Rule, enter the applicable upper include rule. This is used to set the upper limit of the specification adjustment rule.
  8. In Upper Contractual Value, enter the applicable upper contractual rule. This is used to set the upper limit value of the specification adjustment rule.
  9. In Adjustment Type,
  10. Range: Refer to Range Example.

    Ratio: Refer to Ratio Example.

    Amount: Refer to Amount Example.

    Unit Rate(Vessel Option): Refer to Unit Rate(Vessel Option) Example.

  11. In Adjustment Range Amount, enter the range amount of the specification.
  12. In Specification Unit, select the unit for related to the adjustment range.
  13. In Adjustment Range Amount, enter the adjustment amount to be used.
  14. In Unit, select the unit for the adjustment amount.
  15. In Prorate Adjustment, tick the box if the specification adjustment should be calculated on prorated basis.
  16. In Actual, enter the applicable actual value of the specification. *This actual value will be used to compare and calculate the specification adjustment of the physical price*.
  17. In Vessel Type, enter applicable vessel type code. This is used when Adjustment Type is "Unit Rate (Vessel option)". *This actual value will be used to compare and calculate the specification adjustment of the physical price*
  18. In Actual Vessel Type, enter applicable actual vessel type code. This is used when Adjustment Type is "Unit Rate (Vessel option)".
  19. In Adjustment Rounding, select the applicable adjustment rounding for the calculated adjustment amount.
  20. Click Save Button to confirm creation.
  21. To edit specification details after creation, Click Edit Button

Update Existing Specifications

Operations Specifications

  1. Select the transaction line and click on Edit Button to start editing.
  2. In Actual, enter the applicable actual value of the specification. *This actual value will be used to compare and calculate the specification adjustment of the physical price*.
  3. In Actual Vessel Type, enter applicable actual vessel type code. This is used when Adjustment Type is "Unit Rate (Vessel option)". *This actual value will be used to compare and calculate the specification adjustment of the physical price*.
  4. Click Save Button to confirm update.

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