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Operations : Matching Buy/Sell Deal (Table Version)
Matching Buy Sell Deal (Trial Version)

To match a Buy and Sell deal, go to Operations and then to the Operations-> MTM Group tab.

Buy and Sell deal can be matched by dragging a Transaction found under one MTM groups and dropping it into the another MTM group.

  1. Search the transaction/MTM Group of the contract you wish to match. You can use the filter that is available on top of the panel to narrow the search. For Example, fliter the search using Book and Start/End Date.
  2. Operations Buy Sell Match Trial Filter Transactions

  3. Select the MTM Group of the contract you wish to match. You can select either the Buy contract or the Sell Contract.
  4. From the Transactions View/Grid, click and hold the transaction. For Example, click and hold the sell transaction.
  5. Operations Buy Sell Match Trial Drag Transactions

  6. While holding the transaction, drag the transaction to the target contract MTM Group. In this example, we are holding the sell transaction and drag it to the Buy MTM Group.
  7. Operations Buy Sell Match Trial Drag Transactions 2

  8. Then release the hold so that the transaction drop inside the Buy MTM Group.
  9. Next, there should be only one the MTM Group left after the drag action. In this example, the Buy MTM Group.
  10. When you select the Buy MTM Group, the matched Buy and Sell transaction should appear in the Buy MTM Group as follows:
  11. Operations Buy Sell Match Trial Drag Transactions 3

Vessel Name and Voyage Reference Update

Operations Buy Sell Match Trial Vessel Voyage Ref Update

From MTM Group Tab:

  1. Click on Edit Button to start editing.
  2. In Container, select the applicable container for the voyage.
  3. In Voyage Reference, enter applicable voyage reference number.
  4. Click Save Button to confirm update.
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