Release Notes

Date Version Type Release Notes
20-Apr-24 20240419.6 Feature Feature:

We have added the ability to change Tax Type before Provisional/Partial settlement creation.
20-Apr-24 20240419.6 Feature Feature:

We have added the ability to override the platform calculated Tax Amount before Provisional/Partial settlement creation.
20-Apr-24 20240419.6 Feature Feature: BL Based Pricing

In this release, we have added a new functionality to allow more flexibility in specifying the final price to use for settlement. In the Dates and Quantities view, you can now set specific price by Event (Example:BL). The system will then use this fixed price for Final Settlement creation.For Example, if you have 2 different BL Quantities which will be using 2 different final price, you can indicate different Final Price for each BL quantity in Dates and Quantities.

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