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Operations : Transaction Update
Operations Voyage/MTM Group

To access the operations voyage module, go to Operations and then to the Operations tab.

Operations Voyage/MTM Group

All the physical contracts that are approved in the system will be displayed in the Voyage/MTM Group view/grid. Each Contracts are display here as a MTM Group in a box format which provide some key information of the contract. The key information are: Commodities, Counterparty Name, MTM Group Name/Voyage Ref, Quantity and Start & End Date Range.

Operators will be able to use the filter available on this view/grid to search for the physical contract that require further update of latest information.

Transaction Update

Operations Transaction update

LC Update
  1. Select the transaction line and click on Edit Button to start editing.
  2. In LC Ref, select the LC reference that is applied to this transaction.
  3. *The list of LC Ref is created in Operations -> Credit -> Letter of Credit*.

  4. Click Save Button to confirm update.

Nomination Update
  1. Select the transaction line and click on Edit Button to start editing.
  2. In Nom. Location, select nominated location if applicable.
  3. In Nom. Start Date, select the nominated Start Date if applicable.
  4. In Nom. End Date, select the nominated End Date if applicable.
  5. In Nom. Quantity, enter nominated quantity if applicable.
  6. *When nominated quantity is updated, the system will use nominated quantity as the exposure quantity instead of contractual quantity. If actual quantity is updated, the system will use actual quantity as the exposure quantity instead of nominated quantity.

  7. In Quantity Status, the quantity status will change to "Nominated" when a nominated quantity is entered. The quantity status will change to "Actual" when a BL Quantity is entered.
  8. Click Save Button to confirm update.

Event/BL Update

Event date can be updated in operations module. Event such as BL Date, NOR Date,etc can be added or updated into the system.

Operations Transaction Update Event.png

From Dates and Quantities tab:

  1. Click on New Button to create a new line.
  2. In Event, select applicable event. For Example: Bill of Lading, Notice of Readiness, etc.
  3. *The list of events are created in Reference Data -> Event*.

  4. In Event Date, select applicable event date related to the event.
  5. In Invoice Quantity?, check the box if the quantity entered for this event is used for invoicing.
  6. *Quantity can be ignored if you are recording just an event date without quantity associated with it. For Example: NOR Date.*

  7. In Net, enter applicable net quantity.
  8. In Unit, select the applicable unit for net quantity.
  9. In Net2, enter applicable second net quantity.
  10. In Unit, select the applicable unit for second net quantity.
  11. In Gross, enter applicable gross quantity.
  12. In Unit, select the applicable unit for gross quantity.
  13. In Gross2, enter applicable second gross quantity.
  14. In Unit, select the applicable unit for second gross quantity.
  15. In Reference, enter applicable reference for the event. For Example: BL reference number.
  16. In Comments, enter applicable comments.
  17. In Vessel, select applicable vessel for the transaction. This Vessel is typically used for indicating vessel used to load or discharge into inventory location.
  18. *Update of Voyage Vessel Name can be found here*.

  19. Click Save Button to confirm creation.
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